"The LEGEND Band"

Life And Times Of "The LEGEND Band", Pensacola, Florida

The LEGEND Band Current Members
The LEGEND Band Musicians
Moments In History
For Booking Contact Us

"The LEGEND Band" has been blessed in many ways! It was a great opportunity to open for Steppenwolf at The Wall South's 5 year Anniversary. Also during Springfest '97, they were one of the opening acts for "The Animals".  Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top graced their stage one night as the were playing a house gig at The Dock on Pensacola Beach.

Here are a few of those captured moments!

Pensacola Musicians Memorial 2016
Bamboo Willie's, Pensacola Beach Florida

Pensacola Musicians Memorial 2011

Bleachers was fun!
Thank you Frank and Phyllis!
Mardi Gras is always fun on the beach! This was the year we took some of the Pensacola Ice Pilots on the Bleachers Bus to help throw candy during the parade. Then of course we played all night and ended with our Sunday night jam!

Bleachers, before the Mardi Gras Parade 1p.m.
Jim, Silva, Barry, Sandra Kaye and John

When Captain John Pritchard asked us if we could open for Steppenwolf at The Wall South 5 Year Anniversary we said yes right away! However, we had to hire another band to cover our house gig that night.

The Wall South 5 Year Anniversary
Jim, Barry, Silva playing flute, Sandra Kaye & Tim on drums.

The Wall South 5 Year Anniversary
John Kaye and members of Steppenwolf

Sandra Kaye is wearing Paul Hull's jacket which he wore in Vietnam.

The crowd was GREAT! "The LEGEND Band" was on! The P.A. was problem free! What more could you ask for!

The Wall South 5 Year Anniversary
Sandra Kaye, PJ and Larry Preble

This was a great Birthday Party for Sandra Kaye

Not very often does someone play a concert in town on a Sunday or Monday Night!
Sandra Kaye's Birthday Party 2001 included a visit with REO SPEEDWAGON.


Million Dollar Tour Bus "2003"
Sandra Kaye

Sandra Kaye and Silva Saxon were out cruising around on that Million Dollar Bus just hunting for that Sunday Night Jam, when they stopped by The Red Baron to visit Jim, Kenny, David and Randy.
Knowing that she had loaded everything on the bus, Sandra Kaye could not find her, guitar, banjo or her portable keyboard!
Good thing she brought them along!  There was some jammin' going on!

Million Dollar Tour Bus "2003"
David, Silva, Jim and Kenny

You never know when a jam may take place. You must be prepared!
Many Thanks to our friend, L____ the bus driver! shhhhh, it's a secret!